STIBET Scholarship for Finishing a University Degree at Ulm University, Germany

Closing date: September 30, 2025

Student type: International students  

Level of study: All levels of study

Study area: Any

Scholarship value: Grants are awarded for at least 250 euros per month.up to six months and, in exceptional cases, up to twelve months.

Description: International students of Ulm University who have registered their thesis or who are nearing graduation can apply for a STIBET scholarship for Finishing a University Degree . Applicants must be pursuing their studies successfully and also experiencing financial stress.


  • the applicants have demonstrated academic success and are expected to complete their studies within one year. 
  • STIBET scholarships are intended to enable international students and doctoral candidates who are experiencing financial distress (through no fault of their own) to concentrate on completing their degree.

How to apply:  apply online  

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