Closing date: February 1, 2025
Student type: International students
Level of study: All levels of study
Study area: Any
Scholarship value: $1,000- $3,000
Description: The University of Winnipeg automatically offer International Special Entrance Scholarships to new international students entering Undergraduate studies at UWinnipeg following graduation from a high school outside of Canada. It
will offer entrance scholarships during the regular admissions application process. All international students must meet the conditions below to qualify.
Entering International students must:
- have the equivalent of a Canadian 85% grade average, based on Grade 12 academic courses used for admission. UWinnipeg International Credential Evaluators will complete grade conversions.
- not have previously attended another post-secondary institution other than for dual credit high school/post-secondary courses.
- Complete admission application to UWinnipeg no more than 6 months following high school graduation.
- Must register and maintain a full-time registration during the academic year.
- May only receive one UWinnipeg entrance award.
-The International Special Entrance Scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the President’s Scholarship for World Leaders.
-New international students with multiple UW award offers will receive one entrance award, whichever has the greatest value.
How to apply: No application required
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