2024 Royal Canadian Legion Doctoral Scholarship in Military and Veteran Health Researchat the University of Lethbridge, Canada

Closing date: June 7, 2024

Student type: Domestic and International students are eligible for this scholarship program.

Level of study: Doctor

Study area: Any

Scholarship value: $25,000 each year for two (2) years

Description: Established by the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) and the Royal Canadian Legion to create a Canadian scholarship that will ensure a lasting legacy for Veteran research in Canada by training a future generation of military, Veteran and family researchers. The scholarships will be awarded to doctoral (PhD) students who demonstrate excellence in their proposed research and exhibit significant potential for a high impact research career in a relevant area.


To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must:

· Be registered with a Canadian university, as a full-time doctoral student, or as a student in a combined MA/PhD, fast track program.

· Be doing research that considers the unique context of military service over the life course and that is of potential importance to improving the physical, mental health, or well-being of Veteran or other populations and their families.

· Demonstrate a high level of quality in proposed research methodology, and excellent analytical and writing skills

· Exhibit potential for a high-impact research proposal in a relevant area

· Have received ethics clearance from for their research from their respective university and/or the Social Science Research Review Board (SSRRB) if applicable.

How to apply:  apply online  

More info: https://www.ulethbridge.ca/graduate-studies/awards/royal-canadian-legion-doctoral-scholarship-military-and-veteran-health